Storytime with Skye
New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren and author friends come up with fun romance stories for readers. Come for the celebration of romance, stay for the laughs. Pick our next story inside the Storytime with Skye Facebook group.
Storytime with Skye
The Modern-Day Mail Order Bride with Lucy Eden
Join New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren each week as she crafts a new story with one of her author guests!
About Lucy Eden:
Lucy Eden is the nom de plume of a romance-obsessed author who writes the kind of romance she loves to read. She’s a sucker for alphas with a soft gooey center, over the top romantic gestures, strong & smart MCs, humor, love at first sight (or pretty damn close), happily ever afters & of course, dirty & steamy love scenes.
When Lucy isn’t writing, she’s busy reading—or listening to—every book she can get her hands on— romance or otherwise.
She lives & loves in New York with her husband, two children, a turtle &
a Yorkshire Terrier.
And if you enjoy this episode, you'll love Everything's Better with Lisa by Lucy Eden.
You can find all her books here: https://lucyeden.com.
Download a FREE steamy audiobook novella by Skye Warren!
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Welcome to the Story. It's Story Time With Sky. You can fall in the You Cry. It's story time with Sky. It's story time with Sky. Welcome to Story Time with Sky. I'm your host, New York Times bestselling author, sky Warring. Every week I tell a brand new story based on the heroes, heroines and meet Cutes that you want to hear about. I bring on some of my favorite romance authors as guests. To help me craft a hilarious, steamy, and ultimately romantic story with a guaranteed happily ever after. So pour a glass of something fun. Welcome to the story. Hello, everyone. I'm Skye Warren here, the host of Storytime with Skye, and I have a very special guest with me today. It's Lucy Eden. Hi, Lucy. Hi, Skye. How's it going? It's good. It's like late at night. We both get to like relax and chill. Yes. And you were just telling me you just got back from a signing. Yeah, I just got back from a PolyCon, which is one of the biggest book signings. of the year in the country and it is organized by Jennifer Amantrout and it is just filled, there are just like so many authors and readers from all over the country and yeah, I had a lot of fun, got to make some new friends. I adopted a potato, which was a funny story, but yeah, I had a, I had a really great weekend. Yeah. And it was good. It was, it was, I should make you like incorporate that into the story now. I think that I absolutely will. I absolutely will. And the potato, yes, the potato actually has a fan base. Like people, you know, were asking me when I didn't have the potato with me, they were like, where's your potato? Okay. So just in case people don't already know, Lucy Eden is a romance obsessed author who writes the kind of romance. She loves to read. She's a sucker for cinnamon rolls with a soft, gooey center over the top, romantic gestures, strong and smart emcees, humor, love at first sight, happily ever afters. And of course, steamy love scenes. I love cinnamon rolls as well. I especially love them when they are baked, but I also love them in books. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I can get a cinnamon roll. Yes, they are. They are delicious in multiple ways. Yes. And You know, my son actually likes the center of the roll, like at Cinnabon. I don't understand that. I need that. Yeah. I like, I like the outside and I don't like too much. What do you call that stuff? The stuff they put on the top, the icing. Yeah. Yeah. Cause it's, it's, it's the cinnamon roll itself. I like. There has to be like a good ratio between the icing and the actual like bread of the cinnamon roll because otherwise you're just eating sugar. So I do think it's interesting if we incorporate a cinnamon roll hero, but let's just, let's just see how it goes. So we're going to tell a story today and it's going to be from scratch. It's going to be improv. It's going to get a little wild, a little funny. We'll see how it goes. We start with three prompts though. Okay. And I'm going to give them to you and you can just give me a quick like first impression of that prompt like I've written it before. I love it. Some of these come from readers and then some of them I pick based on you. So I actually wanted to do one. This is not one we've done before and it's not one I've written before, but the heroine is an author. Okay. And have you done one? Have I done one where the heroine is an author? I'm trying to think. I've done one where she's a journalist. I've done one where her mom is a romance author. I don't think I've done one where. No, not yet. No. Okay. So the hero is a, it's like a con artist, but we can go any which way we want to go with that. But I did think it would be funny if we tried to make them a cinnamon roll. Yes. Okay. Any direction we want with that and then the last thing is the meet cute and the meet cute is a mail order bride situation Okay, which you don't see too often in contemporaries, which I feel like is probably what we're gonna do that was not required But it is what we write. Yeah. Yeah. All of that sounds amazing, actually. I assume you have not written a mail order bride. I feel like most people have not. I'm trying to think. A mail order bride. No. No. I think the closest I've gotten is fake, fake marriage. Yes. Like having to pretend to be married, fake dating, never a mail order bride. I think it's all good ones. Cora Seaton who has a whole series like that. Yeah. But it's like focused, I think, on like cowboys. Yeah, the ones I've read that I really loved were written by Rebel Carter. One of my favorites, it was in the first, the first season of my book box is called Heart in Hand. And it was a mail order bride from New York who moved to Montana to marry two guys. Hmm. It was amazing. It's, it's one of my favorite books of all time. Okay. So you're into this trope, which I was, I was not sure based on your initial reaction, if you were like, Oh my God. I'm into every trope actually. And including the tropes where you, uh, you don't recommend the books, but you love them. Or you have to like feel someone out in a conversation before you're like, okay, listen. If you like that, there is a book that you should read. If you tell anyone I told you about it, I'll deny it. I will. I have read it twice. Okay. So how are we going to do this? I do think it kind of makes sense in a Western y vibe, but it doesn't have to be. No, I mean, There are a lot of reasons why a contemporary man would want a mail order bride, especially if he is a professional con artist. He's a con artist, right? So this is not a real thing. No, so a lot of cons work better if the mark thinks that you're married because, uh, allegedly, I've been married for 12 years, but allegedly married people are more trustworthy. I don't know. I don't know where that got started, but like, you know, lawyers even, you know, wear wedding rings when they're not married to make themselves appear more trustworthy to juries. It's a whole thing. So I could see temporary con artist hiring a mail order bride. In order to make his cons more palatable to, you know, cause the whole, getting people to trust you. It's kind of like, you know, when people are like, hire me to be your date at Thanksgiving. Yes, but it's like you're just gonna be my temporary bride. Okay. I like this. So then why does she accept such a thing? What is her deal? She needs but she's a writer. She's a writer. So I mean she could be doing it just You know, for the experience to have something to write. If she's a writer, she might have an MFA in English with tons of student loan debt. Yes, exactly. She has no way of paying because she's a writer. And she's like on Craigslist, like looking for a gig, you know? Yes. Yeah. And she's definitely not going to tell her parents. That they were right and getting a master's in English was not the best fiscal decision. So she's going to figure this out. Right. I think her, I think she's going to have to have like a roommate who's like, do not go. That obviously is about sex or like you're going to get kidnapped or something. Yeah. Yeah. Her friend that watches a lot of ID network and knows what's up. Yeah, so get somebody cute to play me in the reenactment. I will totally be interviewed. I am ready for my closeup. I also feel like, do you ever, have you ever seen TikToks of like the chaotic friend? And I always feel, I always feel really bad when I see those because I feel like I'm the chaotic friend. Oh, I'm totally the chaotic friend. I felt like you might have that in common with me. Um, But so I feel like we could do this heroine like that, like she's the one who's like, yeah, I'm going to do that. And her roommate is like, come on. And she's like, I mean, she'll still take steps to protect herself, right? Like, she'll still be like, I'll text you, I'm going to meet in a public place, all that stuff. Yeah. But she's like, I'm going to see how it pans out because really the job sounds good. And if it's legit, then this is great because you know, bills and things like that. So. Yeah, and she'll come out with money. A great story. Like me, she might have watched the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels way more than it would be normal for any person to have watched that movie. And she is like, down to clown. With whatever schemes and shenanigans this guy has going on, you know what I would, okay. So what is his reasoning though? He can't, I feel like he, he doesn't come out to strangers and be like, I'm trying to calm people. Right? Like that, that can't, that can't be, he's going to, no, he's going to present it as a business opportunity that he is trying to market to people. But. It would make him seem more relatable if he had a wife. He's, you know, and if you're conning somebody on some level, you have to believe it. You have to, you know, you have to believe it. So he's like, Hey, I, I'm trying to, I'm trying to give something to people, but I know that it would be easier if I had a wife. People trust. You know, people feel like people who, who are married, they have more roots. They have, they're more stable. They have, you know, the, you know, they're not, they may not go anywhere. Like, you know what I mean? They're, they're, they're just more trustworthy. Yeah, I think, I think also whatever he's trying to convince them has to be related to either families. Or religion, but families is probably easier just to make it like a little bit more understandable from her point of view about like, okay, I do see why you might need to be married. Actually, that reminds me of a story I read. I think it was by Noel Adams. It definitely was by her, but there's a small chance it was under a different pen name. No, I think it was under that pen name. I think it was like married by Christmas or something. And she is a pastor and same thing. They like want someone established. It wasn't, it wasn't through the mail, but you know, it was a good book. Actually. I take down little notes of the ones that we books we talk about that way. I can, I can tell people at the end and the, in the show notes, uh, what was it? No, well Adams. Yeah. Okay. So they meet in this public place, they meet in this coffee shop. I want him to seem like. Because, because he's going to turn out to be a con artist. I want him to seem very boring to her. Yeah. She's like this guy, he can't even be the guy he's too, like, reminds me of my college writing professor, you know? Well, I will say along those lines that con artists have a set of rules and. One of the rules basically is you never talk about yourself. You always let the other person talk. Then if you never bring up religion ever, but if you, if the other person brings up the religion, you always agree with them. So it's, so he is going to seem boring and also boring people. Seems safer. Yeah. Not likely to take advantage of you. So he is definitely going to learn all that he can about her. And he's definitely going to seem as unassuming as possible. Kind of like, you know, the way everyone makes fun of Clark Kent because he's got the glasses and he's so clumsy, but like, he could like pick up the building if he wanted to, but he's not, you know, he's trying to He's not going to, you're not going to know that. And see like, that's the chaotic friend. She's like, she's going to show, she's, you can't just, you can't just show up anywhere in a normal way. Right. It's going to be like, she's late. And she's late for a reason because like, I don't know, she like saved a puppy and then like, then like something caught on fire on the way. And then, you know, like, and then, so she shows up like maybe holding the puppy or something. And he's like, what? And maybe he, he does his con artists like agreement and stuff. And she's like, this is weird. This is not like a regular reaction that I get, you know? Right. Right. Like he's, he's, you know, he obviously cannot get upset with her. No, and he can't really even be like, you are strange. Right? Like, that's not the vibe. He's got to be like, no, this makes complete sense. And she's like, okay, so something's up here because people don't react like this to me. Yeah. Yeah. But also like he is a seasoned con artist, but he's also like immediately enamored by her, right? He finds her charming. You've got, I mean, if you're gonna be with the chaotic friend, you have to find a charming, otherwise it will drive you insane. But I also do kind of want him to be just because I'm always thinking like how is it going to end like I want him to be pulling off this con for a reason and sort of it be the final grand con because unless we're thinking he's going to go on the road and they're going to be like Bonnie and Clyde or whatever, you know that he's going to have to settle down at some point so like it all was leading to something and it's this Yeah, I mean, Slam Dunk is a sick relative, or if it's, like, his child, even better. Oh, that one hurts. Yeah, but, you know. It could explain, too, how If it is the child, how, why people would need someone actually a little bit more, like if there's something going on with the mom and like, she is technically has custody, but it's out of, but it's gone. And there's some sort of situation where he needs to like make something happen for the child. And it's just too, the system would be too slow and messy and bad. Yeah, it's a D it's a double whammy because in custody, In custody cases, being in a stable relationship gives you greater odds and he's also using her to make himself more reputable to pull off the car. It's a double whammy. Like, it's, it's a sales bonanza for him. Basically. He's like, you are checking all of my boxes. I need this for multiple reasons. You know what? I kind of want to though. I'm not sure how realistic this is because I don't know how like the custody stuff works, but I almost want it to be not his kid. But a kid that he has helped to raise, so like he was with someone, he's helping to raise this kid, so he has no rights where the kid is concerned, but the mom is like, in some sort of incapacitated state, or gone, and he's trying to convince the judge to let him have custody of the child, and he's like, you're just some random dude, and you don't have like, A steady job, a steady job history. And he's like, all right, this con is going to give me the fight, the situation I need, and also the, the fake wife that I need to prove to this judge that I can have this kid. And the whole reason I want the kid is because I actually care about him. And, you know, I mean, because I think it does, it is sad. Like I do understand why, obviously why a set parent like can't have the same rights, but in some situations it's like. That is a good option, you know, yeah, so it could be a situation where either the biological mother is a drug addict or she has a terminal illness. Her wishes are for this man to get custody. Those are her verbal wishes. However, her grandparents are like. No, and maybe the grandparents are elderly, but they don't care, or they're planning to take the child and move someplace far away, which also gives him a deadline. Yes. You know what? Actually, it doesn't even need to be like sort of an ex girlfriend or ex wife or whatever. It could even be like his sister. And it could be a situation where she, you know, he's always been a little bit of a grifter and a con artist. And he does love the kid. I've seen the kid. Something happens to the sister. He would just make the most sense in every way. Except the judges like still now you're literally the con artist. You've been arrested before, like this. You acknowledge you've been transient and he's like, I swear I'll settle down and he will, but the judge is like, still now prove it. And so he's got to do this. He's yes. He's got to do this. And I think, yeah, I think the options are, you know, because the thing is like, I do feel like a judge could think to himself, Oh, even being with the state is better than being with this guy. Yeah. Unfortunately it happens. He'd be wrong. Or it could be like you said, like, like a pair of grandparents who maybe say like, I'm not going to let you see him because you're. Because we broke with you because of who you are and everything. Yeah. And sometimes, you know, even if people know that they are not the right people to take care of a child, if they can legally get it done, then they'll, they will, you know, they'll, we, you know, this our grandchild and we want them. We'll probably be dead in 5 years, but that doesn't matter. Yeah. So, so the stakes are high, which is good. Yes. And so she doesn't know this at first. She just knows about this con and also it would also help going further into the story when she does find out about the con and basically that they're stealing people's money. Because obviously if they are good people at their core, which, you know, and even a dark romance, they're good people, we, we, you know, we have to jump through hoops to kind of justify it, but they're in there. You got to do a little digging, but if they are good people, she's going to want to walk away until, you She's like, okay, we're actually doing this to save a child's life. Yes, completely. I think it has to be. Yeah. I think, I think we do have to totally believe in him as a good guy because of. Yeah, him because we have to believe we want him to have a kid which is like a big deal So I want him to be defrauding like and also like if he's robbing rich people I am like He's robbing rich assholes specifically, you know I mean I think I think around art because it just feels like it feels like it's like not that hard to do If you've got a lot of people, you know what I mean? so she goes to this sort of like maybe it's an estate sale type of thing and And she is She's pretending to be, you know, like, yeah, she's pretending to be his wife, obviously, and they meet the fancy people and the fancy people are very snooty. She's like, Oh my gosh, this is, this is an adventure. She gets in adventures all the time. So in a way, this is normal. Yes. I want her to specifically get into a weird adventure about something that is there that is like extra rich. You know, like a Kasuma pumpkin, like a what? Oh, there's this artist and she's just known for just making these like really Weirdly decorated pumpkins and they're worth like so much money, but they're these weird Yeah, like if you can grab your phone and Google a Kasuma pumpkin, it's just It's a pumpkin. It's a pumpkin. But they're worth so much money. And they're cool, don't get me wrong, but it's a pumpkin. Well, I do love that. But I also was thinking more like, like when I went to, I'm trying to think where it was. I think it was in France. I was there for a rare, the rare signing. And someone came back from the bathroom and someone was like, Oh, like how long sort of was like teasing, like how long did it take you to figure out how the, how the soap works. And so that when I went, it didn't take me that long because I knew it was going to be weird, but, and I would not have known if I didn't, if I wasn't forewarned. So like something like that, where she goes in and everyone's just like acting very normal about it. And it was like lever situation that was like, no, no instructions given. So I want her to do something like very silly and, you know, have it be like, Oh my gosh, I really don't belong here. You know? Yeah. Okay. So they're there. Someone's like, okay, I'm going to buy the thing. And he's like, I'm going to buy this pumpkin. That's very fancy pumpkin. And he's like, great. He. Oh, I just sent you a link. Okay. See the pumpkin action. I do feel like I have seen these pumpkins actually. Where have I seen these pumpkins? They're in a bunch of places, but yeah. I think it was probably something because it says it's at MoMA, I think it was there, but it's known for her polka dots and yeah, they are intriguing. I think they'll freak some people out, right? Like, don't people have a thing about holes, you know? Yeah. Tryptophobia. So if you have that, don't go look up these pumpkins. I mean, they're, they're not, they're not bad to me, but I don't have that. So, okay, so he's selling some art, maybe it's pumpkins, and she, and she helps him sell the art. And maybe it's, it's one of those things that maybe he's like, oh, it's passed down through my family. The provenance is a little bit iffy, but the question. They're assuming like it was ill begotten, ill gotten gains through a war or something like that. They're not thinking this is like an actual fake pumpkin. Yeah, and there's, you know, they could also be doing a thing where they're just kind of quote unquote casing the joint, and they're just kind of eavesdropping on conversations, and because she is a writer, She can just off the fly make up stories, making whatever the art they're looking at, more intriguing to them based on things that she's overheard about them. But she's completely talking out of her ass. Oh, I like that. Like, yeah, she's like inadvertently helping him con, but she thinks she's just helping him sell regular stuff. Yes. And the more she does it, the more she loves it because these people are so obnoxious helping them like. Right. They're for a good cause is a good feeling. Yes. So. I think at some point, though, someone asks, maybe mentioned something about a kid. Maybe there's a kid in a painting or something, and he has to speak honestly about the little kid. Like, he doesn't do it to be a conner right in that moment. He's just being honest, and she can tell. And she's like, what's this guy's deal? Like, who is this kid he cares about? And why, if he has a kid, why does he need this pretend wife? It's all weird. It's curious. And so then I think the night goes really well. It's a huge success financially. And at the very end, as everyone's going home, she has to like, see something to indicate that this whole thing was a con. Yeah. Well, I don't know if it matters what it could be. is she's walking around the gallery and she walks towards the back and she sees him having an argument with somebody and she just overhears snippets of the conversations like and here's the word fake counterfeit don't try to cut me out of this deal thing and she confronts him about it and she's smart so she puts two and two together Or maybe she's looking at these paintings and she kind of Does a little Googling and, you know, thanks. Okay. Between the argument I heard in the back and also what I'm learning about these paintings or this artwork online, I'm pretty sure that this shit is counterfeit. And I just helped, helped him sell all of this fake artwork and he better tell me what the hell is going on. Yeah, I definitely do want there to be a moment where like they probably have champagne and stuff like that. And she, at some point like trips. And like bumps into a pedestal that's holding one of the ceramic pumpkins and it almost falls but maybe like doesn't and everyone in the entire room is this huge sigh of relief to like really emphasize how expensive this thing is. Oh, it should also shock her, right? Because she should come in and first, because they don't have prices on things like that. She's going to come in and be like, this is cool art. I like it. It's cool. And then someone's going to like make some number, like they're going to be like, Oh, like 200. And she's like, yeah, 200. And so they're going to be like, no 200, 000. And she's going to be like, what? Yeah. And of course they have to be like, oh my gosh, it's a steal at 2 million. It's you're practically giving it away. Yeah. You know, because of like the question, question marks that we have to, but you know, that's just like a wink and a nod between very trustworthy people. We understand what's happening here. Yeah. Okay. So she confronts him. She's like, I'm out. I think to get them back together, maybe they live close. Like maybe it's someplace like New York city where it's like very. You know, blocks, people live close to each other on blocks, but can we get, can we get a kiss and run after the confrontation? Like she confronts him at the end of the gallery. She's definitely had a little bit of champagne and she's like, you're lying. You're a counterfeit. I'm not, you're, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm out. And then he like tells her that she has to stay because he needs her. And then she's like, why? And then he maybe talks about the kid. Maybe he doesn't. And then she might open up the conversation that way. She might be like, was any of it true? What about that? 1 part exactly. And then they kiss and then she breaks the kiss and she's like, I can't believe a word you say. She runs away. Yeah. No, at some point he does. Does he have to pay her? I feel like maybe he's given her a down payment, but I think if he sends her money while they're apart, it will go even further for her to convince her that maybe it wasn't a lie. Cause if he is a con artist and you leave like that's without getting your money, like that's, that's rule number one of the street. Like that's it. I like that because you know what I like about it too. It's honest of him. But also shows it's a little creepy, right? Because he had to find her. Yeah. And he's trying to be like Craigslist anonymous right now. Yeah. It shows, it shows that he, he definitely cares about her. He's thinking about her when she's not with him. And romance readers, we love that. You know, whatever else he's lying about, he's not, he's not lying about her. Ooh, you know what else? What if, okay. What if instead of it being like all the way creepy, like he just like slides it under her door. What if he leaves it with the barista at the coffee shop they stayed at? And what if she kind of like screwed up by going to a coffee shop that she likes goes to all the time? And he can tell because of how comfortable she is and how like she knows the right order and everything like that. So he can tell that this is a place she goes to regularly. So he leaves it for her. And the next time she goes, she's feeling a little weird. This is where I met the guy and the voice is like, Oh, I have something for you. And it's an envelope and it's going to have a little note. I feel like too. Okay. That sounds awesome. I have another idea. What do you think about this? What if she goes to pay her student loan? The balance is zero. So she's like, well, this is a mistake. She goes to the bursar's office and she's like, listen, what is going off my student loan? And she's, and the bursar says, Hey, your student loan was paid. And she was like, well, who paid it? Two words. Your husband. I love that. So I do feel like, I do feel like it should, I want it to be slightly later, but I want it to happen. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. And it will be totally creepy, but he's also a con artist. Like he could find out everything he needs to find. I think like the interesting question is like, did he actually pay it off or did he just like con it into zero, you know? And she is going to. That's definitely a thought that she's going to have, and she's going to have to see him to confront him. And I think it's tough just because I think like one of the things anytime you have like a morally gray hero, you want to be convinced not that he's right, but you want to at least understand that side. You want to be like, okay, wait, here is someone, this heroine who has been working her butt off. She's getting nowhere. There is no signs of it changing anytime soon. And then you have this guy who's just like, I fixed it. No one was harmed. Yeah. And it's kind of funny now just because like my son is getting to the age where we're like looking at colleges now and you know, and he's worried about how much it costs. And I'm like, please don't be worried about how much it costs because it is a lot, but it's also like, these are just, it's like, I don't know how to explain it. It's just like monopoly money. Like they're making up numbers and we have to pay it because we want you to go. And like, none of it means anything. In a relation to like what you might be able to earn later. Like, it's just money is a tool. Yeah. So it's just like, and, and then, you know, and so in a way he'd be right, like it is a, it, no one would be harmed. Like if anything, she is more harmed by the situation. But wouldn't it be great if like, like she's happy to not get the phone calls every day or the bills, but she's all in the back of her mind. She's always like, where did that money come from? And then maybe later on, she finds out he actually did pay it from his own money. Yes. I also think it makes sense. For her to have taken this job. She was pretty desperate and to really show like what that economy would look like. You know what I mean? Like, just like scraping the bottom of a really cheap can of tomato soup and just, you know, You know, and it being like, yeah, this is a pretty shaken it up. Yeah, exactly. I just drink it right out of the can and just really show that like, this is not a really fun existence compared to all this luxury that he lives in. And it's kind of like, what's the difference? Like the rich people keep like, that's what he'll say to they will never know. And they're just happy with their pumpkin, what, who is being harmed right now, you know, right, which is not to say the reader is going to leave and be like, I should be a con artist, but they're going to be thinking to themselves, you know, I kind of see the point, like, it kind of doesn't make sense for her to, to really argue with the bursar. No, I really do owe that money, you know. Yeah, or like, yeah, not even just just argue, but just be like, are you sure that at zero, like, I'm not going to walk away and I'm going to get a phone call, like, oops, like, I need to know before I spend this 5 on a cup of coffee, am I actually going to need it to pay my student loans? Pair of shoes. Okay. How does she end up seeing this kid? I think she's got to actually see the kid, not even just hear about the kid. I wonder if she, ooh, okay, this whole like art thing was held somewhere. What if she goes back there and it's all closed up now? Like he's obviously not having another art gallery showing right now and he's there with the kid for some reason. And the kid doesn't obviously know what's happening, he's just kind of like helping out with boxes or something like that. And she sort of like knocks on the door but no one hears her. She walks in and she gets to see like them interacting. That could be awesome. Or it could be a thing where maybe the kid is like in a room of the gallery and maybe she interacts with the kid for a while, not realizing who he is. And the kid talks about like his uncle who is going to take him to live with him and blah, blah, blah, and all this awesome stuff. And then she hears a familiar voice like, Hey champ, you ready to go? And it's her husband. Yes. I love that. Like, everything's in crates. So she's assuming when she sees this kid and he's talking about his uncle, she's thinking some kind of shipping guy. She's not thinking it could possibly be that guy. He comes out and of course the kid. It's still going to say amazing things about the uncle. So she knows they have a good relationship. He's going to take me to ice cream. We, we play Legos, we whatever. Right. Like all the, all the cool things about the uncle. Yeah. Yeah. And then, Oh, he can even say like, Oh, and then I have to go back. Like I have to go back. Yeah. I have to go back to my grandparents. They're not very nice, but my uncle promised me that we're going to be together one day. Yeah. Oh, so sad. Or, like, when they have their first meet up in the beginning of the book, like, he takes, like, a certain flavor of cupcake to go, and then she later finds out that it's, like, the kid's favorite flavor or something. I feel like, I feel like carrot cake. Because it's not a flavor you always expect kids to like. Nope. Yeah. That's so true. Yeah. Yeah. I think this is, I think this is good. And then once she gets like the full picture, I think that's when she turns into like Glenn Headley at the end of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and she is like in it to win it. There is like one big score. She is down to clown. Yeah, I think the little kid should invite her. So they should, they should have more than even just this one moment. He should be like, after this, we're going to go to like Coney Island or something, and you should come. And she's like, ha ha ha. And then he's like, no, you should come. And she's intrigued, curious, confused. And they go and actually have this little family moment. Like that's important. I feel like about fake. marriage, fake family. Yeah. To see what it would look like. Yeah. And it should totally be a thing where. Neither of them want, neither of the adults want her to go, but the kid is like, you said you weren't doing anything and we're going to this, like, why can't she come with us? And he's like, oh, she's probably busy. And you're like, no, no, she said she didn't have any plans. You said you didn't have any plans. So it's like, she has to go because, yeah. He's not going to disappoint the kid and she's not going to disappoint the kid. Plus she's curious. Plus she does like him and want to spend time with him. He likes her, wants to spend time with her. Like it's, it's perfect. And as a chaotic friend, she's usually like good with kids because she's kind of like a kid, you know what I mean? So I feel like they would have a really good time. But I also want, and it's going to feel like a family, and I want the moment where another mom sort of says to her, like, oh, they grew up so fast or something, like everyone just actually assumes they're a family already. Or he looks just like you. Yeah. Kills me. I'm like my child where like he was just born with these like sort of beautiful. He has all eyes and neither my husband or I have them. And so I would always be like, Oh, he must get them from his dad. And I would just be like, you found him. Like, where did you get them from? I'm sorry. I don't understand genetics. So Yeah, I could draw you a Punnett square, but it still wouldn't make sense. I don't know. So, okay, so they have this great time, maybe they split up, maybe the child's like, oh, you know, it's going to be that thing where it's so nice where they're like sticky, sticky face and then they like fall asleep and he has to be like carried home. Yep. So then she kind of just like changes her mind. She's like, okay, I'm going to do it to be fair. I have not seen the movie, but I feel like I get the vibe. So they show up to this big score. That was just like the, that was, I think it should be related just so they can, that was like a practice version. This is the, the big one with like, maybe like a super, super collector or something, who's going to come in and see all of the super secret stuff. And oh, they should probably do like a green card thing where, you know, he's like, all right, this guy, though, is not going to be fooled as easily as those people. We have to get our story straight. So they go out on a date, like a fake date, so they can get their story straight. But it feels, of course, like a real date, because what do you do on a real date is just ask each other questions. And the other thing I think might be cool, but it just, this also depends on whether this story would be a novel or a novella, I would like for the grandparents to be, like, somewhat bad people, and maybe this con, in a way, would also like expose the grandparents. So there's like layers. I was thinking, I wasn't thinking exposed, but I was thinking like harm specifically, like it's some sort of dig right at them. Yes. Yeah. Like I also was wondering if like, if it would make more sense, even though like we were given the prompt of the writer, we actually have not really done that much about it in terms of like what she writes. Yeah. What if she were an artist and what if like her whole thing with the pumpkins with complete respect to the pumpkins is if she's like, wait, I could do this. Right. Like I thought because, okay. Cause I actually had this experience like as a writer, I was like, okay, this is the weird shit I like, but this is obviously not what the people want. So I wrote what the people wanted and they were like very lukewarm about it. And then I was like, I guess I'll just throw up what I love. And they were like, Oh, we actually really like that. So I wonder if, if she is an artist who has been. Forcing herself to create in the way that she was told was acceptable and yeah, the one downside is if she's an artist, she would, she would already know these pumpkins, but that's okay. I don't know. I don't think that actually breaks the story, but the point is she could be like, well, this has finally given me the realization that I can. I can make my own weird shit and that that might be what the world wants from me. Well, yeah, I think as writers we all kind of feel that way and if she is somebody who has an MFA in writing And trying to pay off her student loans, she's probably very cautious about what she writes, what writing gigs she takes. Maybe she's not super happy with them, but if they give her money, then that's what she'll do. And, you know, the stuff that she wants to write is not, you know, people are saying, you know, you're not going to make any money writing that stuff. Yes, yes, exactly. Plus, I also feel like, and I don't know how much this is true because I have not gone in MFA, but what I feel about it is that it's just sort of like very judgmental. So it's like, it's not even about money per se, as it's like, this is the right way to art and this is the wrong way to art. Right, and it's just a lot. Yeah, and it's supposed to give you all of these channels and avenues to all of these places that are going to pay you so much money to write, but that doesn't always happen. And because you've done all the work, you've done the right thing. A lot of people are often reluctant to abandon that path because it's like, no, no, no, someday. Okay. If I just keep going, someday I'm going to get everything that I was told that I was going to get from doing it this way. Yeah. I also think, though, like, at least in my case, like, there's a certain element where I think that part of the reason why it didn't work is because even though I tried my hardest, even though it, like, technically was sound, and even though I genuinely cared about the work, My soul wasn't in it and that's what the people wanted that they want your soul like they don't really care about the medium They want the soul. Yes. Well, she's like I am checking all the boxes here and it can get you pretty far in terms of like Yeah, we really like this but try again. We really like this but try again And so yeah, she just needs to abandon it entirely abandon the rules Which is like what a con artist can help her do Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So we like where this is going. Where, what was the next thing to happen? Okay. That she's got to actually do the big con, right? Yes. Oh no. They're well, they did the, they did the test date of like getting our story straight and now, yeah, now they do the big con. Right. And it's a danger. I feel like they actually have to go out like onto someone's like boat where they're like out of touch with, they have to like drop cell phones off or something. Like it's this, yeah. It's a sort of like, billionaire who like, doesn't trust people, I think. Yeah, and it should be like, some sort of like, a large yacht, some sort of small gathering where there are other people on the boat, and someone who knows who he really is, is on that boat. Yes. So he has to like, complete the con, not get caught, like, it's a lot of work. There's a lot of, yeah, it's very, it's very fraught, fraught with danger. Okay. So the con has to do with art, but it's maybe not specifically about him selling counterfeits because he's going on this yacht, so that kind of wouldn't necessarily make sense. Or maybe it would, I don't know. Okay. So they're there, they probably, so if they're going out on a yacht, it's, it, they get a few days, right? It's not like they just go out on the yacht, immediately have an auction, then go back. Well, I mean, it depends. It could be because they do have those like. Those nighttime cruises that are like for a few hours where you leave, you leave the dock and you're out. Maybe it goes like up. I don't know where they are, but I was going to say the Hudson River because I'm in New York, but maybe they go up and down the Hudson River and then they come back to the pier and you all get off or it could be like, Oh, come to my yacht vacation for a few days. We're going to go to my private island. I'll invite some friends. And you know, some of these billionaires, there's like a, A billionaire competition of who can have the biggest yacht, but some of these yachts are like. Like small cruise ships, which is like insane, insane big. They are. Um, so yeah, he could be 1 of those people. Oh, the other thing I like about it being sort of a yacht is that is that I feel like it should be at least a night just so we can have them sleep in the yacht and. Oh, okay. We're ready. He has to warn her or he like leans close and whispers that there's bugs in the room so they can't even sort of prep together. They can't be like, Oh, I'm nervous. Like, you know, she can say I'm nervous and he's like, No, you can't go there. I also feel like if something let's say they have a dinner, and she slips someone slips up maybe he slips up actually. And Oh, it could be that thing where they're like, how did you guys meet? And he accidentally slips it. They have a story plan, but he accidentally slips in something real. Cause he's like looking at her and he's like really into her anyway. So now there's a little bit of suspicion. So now they fake sex, but then it's a real sex. You know what I'm saying? He's like, I think we've watched. Yeah. Yeah. And I think the guy, whoever they're trying to con, like who, whoever the mark is, he has his right hand man or woman or person is suspicious of the guy. Cause that's their job. Yeah. He's he, she, or they are watching this are watching these two very closely. And I think it should, there should also be some sort of Run in with somebody that he knows from his real life that the guy witnesses and he's like, wait a second, like, there's just, there just has to be a way to just kind of ramp up the crazy. I do love the fake sex scene that turns into real sex, right? Because it's going to be hot to even be pretending. Yes. But then it's also weird to do it real because you think someone's watching. It's, it's complicated. I like the idea of him having someone he knows, but I also like the idea of there being someone she knows, like, just, Oh my God, why not both? I mean, she got an MFA. Like it could definitely be a professor or something like a woman who's like with her sugar daddy. And she could be like, Hey friend, like you really like. Yeah, you know, but like, either way, my advice, I've been telling you finally took my advice and found one of these old rich bucks to like, but how did you get a young one? He's like, not that old. Absolutely. Yes. Yeah, I think they should be somebody that they both know, and they're, they're trying to juggle that separately, and then there's this one guy who's like watching them the whole time because they're suspicious, and then the guy who they're trying to, you know, who's the mark is just kind of oblivious, maybe like not that smart, just kind of like having fun. He could be eccentric, you know, so he likes eccentricity. I think he could actually have a little, not a, not in a sexual way, but like in a, just like an old. Nice guy way have a thing for her where she where he's just like enamored by like how how she is and then she will be like oh my god he's like santa but then like secretly find out he's actually like a gun trafficker and he's awful but you know like they can be really like seem cool and then not so that's going to be tough for her but again i think it's just like playing with the moral ambiguities of it all you know that people are not what they seem both in the good and the bad Yeah. Okay. So presumably it's going to tension, right? Fake sex tension. I think whoever she knows it's just like from art school, but I think whoever knows him, maybe he has to know he's a con artist because. Then it's gonna, like, increase, like, one wrong word, and boom, the whole thing blows up. Yeah, I think he's, he's going under an assumed name, and if he is biologically related to the grandparents, like you said, if it's his nephew or something, then he knows his parents are pieces of shit. And he probably grew up in that world, is desperately trying to distance himself from it, he's probably got a fake name, so like, you know, some old lady is like, oh my god, Stanley? And he's like, who is Stanley? What? Stanley, you played polo with my daughter, Cheryl? You remember at the, at the club? Yeah. And he's going to have to do that thing where you're like, uh, no, you must be mistaken. Nope. I just have one of those faces. I've never, and then she has to step in and save him and be like, no, that was the year you and I were in Greece, you know, Yep, exactly. Exactly. I see a kitty cat. Oh my gosh. Yes. Hold on. I have four. I have four cats. This is Minxie. Oh, now he wants to be shy. So the, the two little tuxedos are Minx and Jake. And I have, I don't know what kind of cats they are, but they're like, they're huge. They're not Maine Coon cats, but they're huge and fluffy. And that's Onyx and Jasper, but they're, yeah, Jasper is, is eating. It's eating right now. But yeah, I have four cats. And when I adopt a cat, I have to adopt two. I can't, especially like if they're from the same litter, it's like, You can't be like the only thing of your species, like, in the house. That's gotta be weird. Like, you cannot have an identity crisis every day. Yeah. I feel like with dogs they say that they can fight actually from the same litter. I don't know if cats are that way. I don't think so. Cats definitely aren't like they play fight, but they also defend each other. They have to sleep together. They're very protective of each other. And even, um, Onyx and Jasper, I've had them for three years. And again, they are huge. Here comes Jasper. What's he doing? He's just looking around. They're like 20 pounds, but they still like sleep together and they fight occasionally, and they're still like getting used to the kittens. Yeah, but I had a dog, Chopper, who was like, eight pounds, and he just would fight anybody, like, my groomer. I was like, I'm thinking of getting a puppy to keep Chopper company, and she's like, don't do it. Yeah. That dog is an only child, and he will stay that way, if he can help it. Yeah, that is so funny because yeah, cats are a little more Sandovish towards people, but I do think they're really close to each other That we're very close to each other and they weren't from the same letter, but they still were. Yep. So I think basically with the climax With the climax of the story, I think it should all come to a head and like Maybe she gets kidnapped. Maybe guns are drawn. They somehow, I do think as, as we're hitting the climax, cause we haven't had regular sex. I need to think, I think they need to have rushed survival sex, not being watched in like a closet, you know. I think they would have sex after the date, like the date where they're at, they're at Coney Island. They carry the kid home and they go to his, they go to his apartment. They tuck the kid in and she's like, well, I should go. And he's like, maybe you shouldn't. Yes. Yes. But still not, still not, not trusting him a hundred percent, but like, Getting very close. And they can kind of play with it, like, too, right? Like, they'll be like, I just want us to, I just want us to try this, just the same way we, we came up with the story. Let's practice this. Yeah. Like he'll do a kiss and then he'll be like, practice one more thing and then practice one more thing. And then it will kind of be the bit. Yeah. Yeah. And she could say something like, you know, convince me. Yeah. And she's going to think to herself, like, if this whole thing was pretend, like, why did it feel the most real? Yes. Yeah. Okay. So now they're in the climax. Something has gone wrong. It has started to go right because so much has been tense. It's almost like, oh, my God, they're going to get away with it. The guy is, is like, I'm sold. You know, you can have all my money. And he's like, oh, my God, that's great. Just transfer it over here to this offshore account. Maybe it actually happens. So that way it's like, almost like they've gotten away with it. But then Then like, yeah, the drunken lady bursts in the room and she's like, no, no, you were definitely at summer camp with my son, Michael, and it's like, what the fuck is going on? And then like all hell breaks loose. And yeah, he's going to be. Like, not only is he going to be concerned, like, oh shit, but he's for his own hide. But like, now he also, the thing about Connie is I think there's a part of you that has to, or the way that he's been able to do it is that like, is that essentially it's all a game. Yeah. And now it's no longer a game because she's there and he cares about her and she likes her. And he might actually have an opportunity to get away. And then he's like, all right. Oh, yes. I can't leave her. Right. Like maybe he overhears someone being the, the security guard being like, I looked him up. He's, he's fake. And he's like, there's a, there's a getaway boat right there. Yeah. Like he's got his life jacket on. He is in the boat. He's about to turn the key and he's like, I love her. I can't, I can't leave her. I gotta go back for her. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what has to happen. So yeah, he goes back for her. By that point, they've already like, But, you know, by that point it's worse, right? She's not just in her room hanging out. They've like got her a gunpoint and he's like, this is basically suicide because like, how can I get us both out? I can't, right. But like, I have to try. Right. So, yeah. So maybe something happens where they're able to like subdue them. The law enforcement gets involved. They work out a deal. He actually, it turns out to be like a hero. He convinces his mom's friend or whoever that he was actually had a fake name because he was working undercover with the cops. And she's like, Oh, how nice. And then what, what is the friend? Of her, her friend is like pretending to be this like bimbo girl, actually undercover with like white collar crimes. I love that. Nope. That's it. And so he can actually be like freaking out, like, what the hell do I do? And she comes up and he's like, sort of like, get back. It's not safe. And she's like, she pulls a gun. He's like, what the hell? She's like, yeah, I'm with the FBI. He's like, okay, well then maybe you can get her out because this is not going well. And, and because, you know, because they cooperate fully and because they were friends and all of that, like, basically, she's like, okay, you guys get a pass on, like, your participation in this, but really. We were after the big fish anyway. But they don't know about the money they've already transferred to him, and what is he gonna say? Hey, cops, can you get my money? Right, right, he's not gonna be volunteering that information now, right? Yes, exactly. I got away scot free, and yeah, she finds out that he came back for her when he could've left. Mhm, yes. Oh yeah, so I think, like, okay, they maybe end up, like, back on land, maybe she's in the hospital, like, just getting checked out, bump on the head, something like that. Oh, he totally took a bullet for her. He took a bullet for her. Not only could he have gotten away scot free with all the money and no bullet holes, he, like, risks himself to save her life and takes a bullet for her. And yeah, he's in the hospital and she's there what if he wakes up and obviously so so she's been like sitting by his bedside and he's been out of it because they had to do, you know, surgery for the bullet and whatever and he wakes up and like, you know, how there's like balloons in someone's room and she's like, Done the dots down the side to make them look like the pumpkin and he's like He's like am I literally still high on whatever they gave me? I love that and okay, so the other thing is I want him to Well depends on how evil we made the grandparents, but I want him to I want him to maybe give up the money, you know, like I want him to donate it to like some sort of group for like foster kids or something like that, you know, like, yeah, he'll donate it to a group of foster kids, but not all of it. And that will be like the funny, like. You know, we, we did, we did a big, we did a big sizable, respectable chunk, but like you, you fell in love with me. It was a con person. I'm not walking away from all of it, but it will be enough to do like significant change, right? The idea is he got, he's going to keep just enough to like be able to get custody of his nephew, which is like the goal. He's going to get custody of the nephew and it's going to be like a very modest house. Like a modest little bungalow. And so, truly, like, he obviously could have lived better if he had wanted to keep a little bit more, but he really sort of picked the bare minimum. But then, so they're a very cute family all together, but then I want her to, like, take off. You know? Yeah. I want her to, like, take off. She, like, wrote a zany mystery on a yacht or something, and people are like, this is great fiction. And she's like, ha ha, yeah. Yeah, just nothing like that could ever happen to anyone. Totally. In real life, because I'd be crazy. But I also think, just to be funny, like, as a parting note, There should be something like just one random thing in their house that's insanely expensive that he bought because yes, yeah, like, why do you, why do you have this like, you know, like pumpkin, they have, I want, I want them to have the real pumpkin. Yeah, like, I want them to have, like, pottery barn style, you know, living room, and then just like that pumpkin and it like fits in perfectly and like, no one would think. Or it could be like a running joke where, like, she doesn't know if it's real, like, she never knows if it's the real one or if it's not. Yeah, she can never tell. She can't tell, but it's, and he like, I don't, maybe, like. Right. Is it though? It looks like it kinda, yeah. Yeah, I just, I just want like a little, like, funny, just something to show that he's, He's not completely changed. Like, he's happy, but like, but still that little bad boy is still in there. Yeah. I also think they can joke like at the end when he's, she's kind of like, is it real? And she's still clumsy. So like, there's still the chance of her like knocking it over. And she's like, she's like, well, if it's real, it shouldn't just be like on the mantle. And he's like, it's okay. Break it. And she's like, does that mean it's not real? You know, right. Right. Or like jokingly like pokes it to tip it and he like goes, then she's like, Hey, wait a minute, but, but he's a con artist. So maybe he just did it. Maybe he just, nobody knows. We won't know the, she won't know. He's the only one that'll know. There's no way to know really. No, okay. So here's the question. Let's get it. No, I think that's the last chapter. So what's the epilogue? I think the epilogue has to do with her art. We kind of are, but like, I think it's later, right? Like they're in the house in the last chapter. They're happy. They've got the, they've got the fake slash real pumpkin and then I don't think that's the epilogue. I think the epilogue would be like him waking up in the hospital, like everything's over. There could be like, maybe the tiniest hint of an info dump, just basically saying, you know, we're not going to jail and they don't know that we got the money. And then, you know, the epilogue could be them in their, like, house, the kids playing in the front yard. She's like, you know, oh, I just hung up the phone with my agent. Guess, guess whose book is number one in the New York Times bestseller list? It's me! And then the pumpkin thing happens. So really, I think, especially depending on how much time we want to give them, I mean, even having her book, like, accepted by an agent would be, like, a pretty big departure from what has been going on from her. So. Yeah. Okay. I love that. So that is the epilogue. So then what would be the title? And is it like pumpkin hearts? Yeah. Is the cover a pumpkin with like, instead of dots, it's hearts? Yes. Yes. Let me think. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Something about conning. Something like, something about lying. Something about, huh? Pumpkin. Pumpkin, oh my god, that feels like a convention about pumpkins. Or something else. This is pumpkin. Like, hmm, Am I allowed to go to pumpkin? Am I old enough? Pumpkin by midnight? Oh, yeah. A little Cinderella y. That's cute. Yeah. Yeah, because she was definitely, like, pretending to be something that she wasn't, and time was running out. Time was running out for her. I mean, think. I feel like this artist is not going to appreciate, is not going to appreciate this. Art with heart, or she might love it. She might think it's hilarious. She could love it. We're gonna go with that. Or, oh, let's see. Art. Art with heart. The art of stealing. The art of the steal. Yeah. Or just like the art thief. Stealing her heart. Feeling her heart. Yeah. I like it. Feeling her heart. We get it. Yeah. Okay, so it's called Stealing Your Heart. So my final question for you, Lucy, is this. Yeah. If readers enjoyed stealing her heart. What book of yours should they read? Oh boy. Okay. You know what's funny? I have a story that is airing on Read Me Romance. I did a hat trick. This is my third time. I think I'm the first artist to do three times on a And it is actually about an art dealer who falls in love with an art student that he tried to hire to nanny his children, but they got into an argument over art. So that, I mean, listen to the, my, the latest episode of readme romance. It will probably have aired by the time this one airs. Cause I think it's airing. on April 30th. So it will have aired by the time this airs, but if you want to hear about custody battles in books, you could read everything's better with Lisa. That book is kind of like a trope kitchen sink. It is my second most popular book and it's my most popular novel, but it's got Two Secret Babies, Nanny Romance, what else? Office Romance, Enemies to Lovers. Little romantic suspense. There's only one bed. They go to Barbados and it's basically a lot of baby secret babies, you know It's a lot of secret babies Yeah, yeah, you gotta I like them if you're gonna do it you gotta do it But yeah, just general hijinks all my books have like general hijinks in it so If you are a romance reader, you will love Blind Date with a Book Boyfriend. That's nice and short. If you love long books with like lots of tropes, Everything's Better with Lisa is great. And I also have a secret, not so secret pen name, which is Eden Weber. And that Eden Weber only has one series. It's a series of six novellas. that are about six cinnamon roll brothers who fall in love one by one over the course of three and a half years, much to the delight of their parents who just want grandbabies and all of them. So it's pretty, and they're very tropey and they're like potato chips. You can, and you can read them all in, in one sitting. So yeah. We totally skipped the potatoes, but that's okay. Cause I feel like the pumpkins were heavy. And then of course And I feel like people should just like probably hop onto Lucy Eden's newsletter if they want to find out about the potato. That's like a cliffhanger for you guys. There was still produce. We did it. So right. It was, it was very central to the story. Thank you, Lucy, so much for doing this with me. I had a great time. Me too. This was so much fun. Yay. Okay, so listeners, please check the show notes. We're gonna have links to some of the books that we talked about, as well as, uh, as well as Read Me Romance and as well as everything's better with Lisa, so that you can read even more Eden very quickly. The Beverly Jenkins mail order bride story is called Tempest, and that is also good because I know I mentioned there was a Beverly Jenkins one and there was a Rebel Carter one. Okay, yeah. Got it. Perfect. We got to love those. Is that a, is that a historical? Yes, it is. It is historical. Historical. He's a doctor. He's a doctor. Nice. Doctor. And he's a single dad, so. I mean, I feel like that's really important in historicals, too, because, you know, things are always going wrong. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. And that's also why he needed, you know, a mail order bride. His wife tragically passed away. And he's like, somebody's got to raise this kid to 1800. It's not going to be me to get somebody in here. So. All right. Thank you, Lucy. I had a lovely time. Ditto. Ditto. Thanks for inviting me. It was great. Thank you so much for listening to Storytime with Skye. I hope you enjoyed the story we crafted this week. 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